Monday, June 13, 2011

Who can be affected by Bullying: Teenagers and young adults continued

In the previous blog I began explaining the different methods of cyber bullying used among young adults and teenagers which included using social networks. This blog I would like to continue that topic by explaining cell phones that are used so frequently among teenagers and your adults. First, I want you to stop and think about how many cell phones you see daily and how many of those cell phones are being used by teenagers and young adults. According to, 60% of teen’s between the ages of 10-14 and 84% of teens and young adults from the age of 15-18 all have cell phones. On average these teenagers and young adults send over 3,000 text messages per. month.

As most people have discovered cell phones can be extremely beneficial to teens such as in an emergency situation or in case of daily plans changing. Although, cell phones and text messaging can be very convenient this form of technology can be a huge health risk as it is one of the leading culprits behind cyber bullying. Text messaging can be used to cyber bully a person without being face-to-face with that person. These bullies tend to be females and normally these girls would never say these mean things face to face. However, texts messages can be sent anonymously therefore making the bullies attack on that person even more distressful to the victim as they have no clue who is saying these mean things. Text messaging can be used to send hurtful, rude, mean messages, spread rumors, and create lies. These bullies goals are to embarrass, humiliate, or make fun of others in order to gain a sense of power and social status.

This form of cyber bullying can be spread anonymously, shared with a very wide audience and the victims can be attacked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 day a year. Therefore, parents need to be extremely aware of the types of messages their children are sending and who they are sending them too. Parents also need to conscious of the warning signs that his or her teen or young adult is being bullied or bullying someone else.


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