Saturday, May 28, 2011

What is Bullying?

What is bullying?
Bullying is an aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions that follow a repeating pattern over time generally creating an imbalance of power or strength.

            What are the different types of Bullying?
Bullying can include verbal bullying, social bullying, physical bullying, and the rapidly increasing Cyber bullying.

             Verbal Bullying
Verbal bullies use words as their choice of weapon in order to hurt or humiliate their victim. Verbal Bullying can include including derogatory comments, name calling, insulting, making racist comments, and constant teasing. “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me”. This common rhyme has been told over and over again to kids of all ages. However, this saying is entirely wrong as the harsh reality is that teasing and taunting can have devastating affects in some ways although this can be easily over looked as there are no visible scars.

                Social Bullying
       Social bullies use the strategy of “actions speak louder than words”. Therefore, social bullies use the power of silence to bully their victims by convincing their peers to exclude, isolate, or reject certain people. Therefore, these types of bullies cut victims off from their social connections.  This type of bullying can be linked to verbal bullying . This type of bullying most commonly occurs from children that spread nasty rumors about others or exclude an ex-friend from the peer group. (This occurs most often with girls)  The most devastating effect with this type of bullying is the rejection.

                     Physical bullying
           Physical bullies are a classic case of bullying which is often demonstrated in movies. These bullies easy identified and are generally well known among the school population. These bullies often use threats such as hitting, kicking, punching, or taking and damaging the victim's property.  These bullies often learn these violent behaviors from watching parents, older siblings or from being physically abused themselves. As these types of bullies get older their attacks generally become more aggressive.

            Cyber bullying
        Cyber Bullying is a very serious problem among today’s generation of children, teens and even adults. Bullying has become more than a face to face confrontation as today’s generation is more tech. savvy than ever. Therefore, making it easier for bullies to humiliate their victims socially by spreading rumors through text messages, myspace, facebook, or email anonymously. This type of bullying often causes a tremendous amount of stress due to the fact that it is anonymously and these bullies can attack their victims at any given time. These bullies often engage in behavior they normally wouldn’t if they were face to face.      
             STOP BULLYING.

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