Thursday, May 26, 2011

Introduction to Bullying

Have you heard the echo? Harassment, abuse, and discrimination are several words that can be used to describe the echo that has existed for centuries. It’s chime can be easily heard among adults, teenagers, and even children. This constant recurrence effect’s everyone and anyone at least one time or another in their life and is not to be taken lightly. The consequences of this echo can be low self-esteem, physical abuse, or even death. Whether, it would be at school, through texting, facebook, or even the everyday workplace, everyone is affected by bullying! Bullying is a form of intimidation or domination towards someone who is perceived as being weaker. Bullies feed off of fear, resistance, and anyone who might challenge their authority. Although, the United States has improved and raised bullying awareness by passing Anti Bullying laws among 45 states. The percent number of bullying cases is stilling growing. I personally think this is due to a lack of parenting, self control,and outside influences such a TV, cell phones, and most of all the mind-blowing internet.
            I am starting a blog about bullying for my English 112 class. Throughout my blog I will discuss the different types of bullying, who it affects and how, how to recognize the signs of bullying, how to prevent bulling, statistics, give examples and share any interesting thoughts about bullying along the way. Overall all I hope to better educate myself on this topic, given this opportunity and through that hopefully I can use my knowledge to raise awareness among my classmates.   

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